You may have seen them at a recent festival or last year on Matric rage but for those who don’t know the Red Frog volunteers are a global initiative and a support program for young people from the ages of 15 – 25. Red Frogs recognize that the culture of young people is dominated by alcohol and that excessive consumption of alcohol and other substances can lead to dangerous and life altering behaviours.  Therefore Red Frogs make it their mission to provide a positive peer presence in alcohol-fuelled environments where young people gather, educate young people on safe partying behaviours, and promote and provide non-alcoholic and/or diversionary activities that engage young people in these environments.

The Red Frog Crew assist Matrics by walking them home, cooking pancakes, cleaning their rooms, handing out Cartoon Red Frog Sweets, and – most importantly – offering emotional support through what can often be a challenging week.

The Red frogs also offer support for both parents and students as well as the opportunity to become a volunteer.

The Red Frogs they have posted some survival tips for the Matric students, which we highly recommend you read:

Matric Survival Tips

  • Never leave drinks alone. Never accept drinks from others. Drink spiking is a big issue on Matric holiday.
  • Know your boundaries and stick to them.
  • Be wise with who you let in your room.
  • Don’t go anywhere with anyone you don’t know. (Saying, “Just for a sec” doesn’t count).
  • Alcohol makes you less aware of danger.
  • Get mum making frozen meals for you to take because you need to eat when you run out of money.
  • Stay with your friends.
  • A hangover is your body’s way of telling you it can’t cope with the amount of alcohol you’ve had.
  • Stay in well lit areas, especially in the early hours of the morning.
  • Tell people where you are going and who you will be with.
  • Many incidents to Matrics happen when friends are left alone to make their way back to their accommodation and abandoned by their mates.
  • This is probably the first time you’re living in the same environment with some of your best mates. Give each other some space during Matric holiday so you don’t come back hating each other.
  • Live your life for a change. Don’t just do something because everyone else is doing it. That’s stupid. If it’s something that you wouldn’t normally do, why are you staring now, and will you hate yourself for it later?
  • Eat well. Surf, sun and partying means you need to drink lots of water. Dehydration and malnutrition will cause your body to crash. Not a good way to spend your Matric holiday. We recommend you plan ahead and stock the pantry. AND BY THE WAY… DRINK MORE WATER!

If you need info, some help or a crew visit during Matric Holiday, call the Red Frogs on 060 733 3764

You can also find more information about them, how to become a volunteer or how to receive help on their website